Ikwilcirculairinkopen.nl has been developed on behalf of Versnellingsnetwerk Circulair Inkopen (VCI): a partnership between PIANOo, NEVI and Rijkswaterstaat. VCI is the successor to the Green Deals Circulair Inkopen (GDCI) and has been made possible by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
Ikwilcirculairinkopen.nl aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy through procurement. With this in mind, the platform seeks to help organisations with the circular design of their procurement processes and circular commissioning. You will find:
The platform is for anyone who plays a role in an organisation’s circular procurement process and has a professional procurement role. This includes both end users and suppliers. After all, suppliers need circular procurement processes so that they can offer their customers, the end users, circular products.
The platform is intended for:
Circular Inkopen uses expertise from various organisations, companies and people.
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