Tender or sales manager

As tender or sales manager, your focus is on responding to the client’s demand in the best way possible. You can also help make the assignments your organisation wants to acquire more specific. What type of assignment best suits the circular direction that has been chosen? Are we still going in for traditional assignments? Your role in this can be can be both guiding and defining.

To procure in a circular fashion, it’s important that your internal organisation is prepared to design a circular procurement process. What role do you, as tender/sales manager, play in this? The following are the steps that are relevant to you.

Internal organisation – these are your steps

Click on the step to find out how to further prepare the internal organisation for a circular procurement process:

Procurement process – these are your steps

Click on one of the steps to further design the procurement process from the perspective of your role:


  • Encourage potential clients to ask a more circular question, for example when you are being consulted.

Do you have a question?:

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