Purchaser or advisor

The purchaser maintains contact with suppliers, formulates the tender documents (including requirements and criteria) and usually coordinates the procurement process. As a purchaser, you have valuable knowledge of the market. In the rapidly changing market of circular products, it’s important that you keep in contact with suppliers. That way, you’ll know that you can benefit from the most up-to-date innovations.

Circular procurement requires the internal organisation to be prepared for the design of a circular procurement process. What role do you play in this as a purchaser or advisor? The following steps will be important to you.

Internal organisation – these are your steps

Click on the steps to discover how your internal organisation needs to prepare for a circular procurement process:

Procurement process – these are your steps

Click on the step to design a circular procurement process from the perspective of your role:

💡 Tips

  • Ensure that you are familiar with the most recent circular developments from suppliers. Carry out market research to gather ideas. That way, you’ll also have an idea of what’s already possible and what remains a challenge.
  • Ensure that the requirements and criteria of assignments are consistent with the circular ambition of your organisation and that they count sufficiently in the assessment.

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