What does the Versnellingsnetwerk Circulair Inkopen do?

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    The Versnellingsnetwerk Circulair Inkopen (VCI) is an instrument that aims to support and, where possible, accelerate the transition to a circular economy through the use of procurement. In doing so, the VCI contributes toward the transition from a linear to circular economy.

    What is a circular economy?

    A circular economy is about using raw materials as efficiently as possible. Everything that we use is reused or ‘returned’ to the economy – we complete the circle. And, if any raw materials remain at the end of a product’s life cycle, they are reused to make new products and materials. So waste also becomes a raw material.

    In the circular economy, in addition to the extent, preserving the value of raw materials and products plays a crucial role. Value preservation is linked to a longer lifespan of products, components and raw materials. Thus, raw material efficiency increases. More efficient use of raw materials can fundamentally be achieved in various ways. For the purpose of this there are various circularity or so-called R strategies that have been developed. 

    Why a circular economy? 

    We face major sustainability challenges: global warming, the reduction of biodiversity, and worldwide our living environment is under pressure. These problems are largely caused by the excessive consumption of raw materials for products, energy and food. The resulting environmental impact exceeds the limits of what the earth can tolerate.

    Global demand for raw materials has tripled since 1970. If this growth continues, resource use will double again by 2060 (see Integral Circular Economy Report, 2023). This calls for a radically more efficient use of available raw materials. That means using raw materials less, more intensively and for longer. This way, we reduce environmental impact and improve security of the supply of raw materials.

    two horses in a pasture

    VCI: a tool for the acceleration towards a circular economy

    Procurement is a key factor contributing to increasing the impact of the circular economy. To accelerate circular procurement, among both public purchasers and private purchasing organisations, a joint approach of government and business is needed. To make a significant contribution to this, PIANOo, Rijkswaterstaat, Nevi and MVO Nederland – enabled by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management – are working together on the theme of circular procurement.

    In January 2021, the Circular Procurement Acceleration Network (VCI) was launched. This is a follow-up to the two Green Deals Circular Purchasing (GDCI). The VCI is one of the ‘supporting measures’ from the National Programme Circular Economy 2023-2030. The VCI helps by supporting purchasers, clients and market parties with their questions, sharing knowledge online and offline and by stimulating chain cooperation through a network approach.

    VCI is an instrument that brings together practical experiences, information and tools to promote the transition to circular procurement.

    Sophie de Smet, Consultant Circular Procurement & Steering Committee member VCI on behalf of PIANOo.
    Circular park from above

    What can you find on the VCI platform: ikwilcirculairinkopen.nl?

    On the VCI platform you will find the following content: 

    Want to get started now?

    More information about the Netherlands and the National Circular Economy Programme 2023-2050?

    The Netherlands wants to be climate-neutral, fossil-free and circular by 2050. Being circular means that the environmental impact of Dutch production and consumption must fall within the earth’s carrying capacity by 2050. This is not a quick and simple change, but an integral and complex transition spanning decades. This requires steering. To achieve this goal, the central government has launched the National Programme Circular Economy 2023-2030.

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